Care and Learning
Enjoyment and achievement go hand in hand. If children enjoy learning, have good, supportive relationships with their teachers and peers, enjoy a rich variety of learning experiences and enjoy their leisure time, they are more likely to engage and achieve high standards.
Every child has their own gifts and talents to be uncovered and developed and we’ll
support your child to see themselves as successful, confident learners.
Our curriculum is full of surprise and challenge. At The Pelican Nursery,
independence is particularly valued and staff interaction is carefully balanced to allow
your child to investigate and learn independently, building on their own strengths
and gradually taking on responsibility, while recognising that they are still very young
and still need reassurance and comfort.
In line with The Early Years Foundation Stage’ we create individual learning plans
and keep a record of your child’s progress that includes their personal, social and emotional
development, their physical development and creative life at the nursery.
These are readily available for you to see and contain photographs, achievements,
examples of their work and observations of their behaviour that show merit or a
particular leap in their development.